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Welcome Bandari College

Online Application

All applications are processed through the Online Application System (SIMS). All certificate and ordinary diploma (direct and equivalent qualifications) applicants shall apply through Online Application System (SIMS)

Application Instructions

Before creating an account, please make sure you have a valid email address (email should only be used once), form four (4) index number (if studied in Tanzania) or equivalent number (if studied outside Tanzania). After successfully registered an account, the system will send an email to a specified email address.

  • Step 1: Examination Details (Select your programme of interest, your highest level of education and add your form four (4) index number)
  • Step 2: Confirmation of Examination Details (Click 'Confirm' button to confirm if your details are correct and proceed, if not click ‘Back’ button and fill the correct details)
  • Step 3: Login Credentials (Add your valid email address and password to create your account. Note: The email and password specified here will be used to login into online application system. Please create your password by following the format shown in the system)

Non-refundable application fee is TZS 10,000/= for Tanzanians and TZS 30,000/= for Non Tanzanians, payment for application fee should be done through control number obtained from the system. Payment can be done through bank (TPB, DCB, TIB, ECOBANK, CRDB, NBC, NMB) and mobile money services; Payment through M-PESA/TIGO: Enter to the payment menu (USSD menu) of the respective M-PESA or TIGO, Select 4 (Make Payments/Lipa Bili), Select 5 (Government Payments/Malipo ya Serikali), Enter control number/namba ya malipo (obtained after requesting/generating from the system). Payment through AIRTEL: Enter to the payment menu (USSD menu) of airtel (*150*60#), Select 5 (Make Payments/Lipa Bili), Select 5 (Government Payments/Malipo ya Serikali), Enter control number/namba ya malipo (obtained after requesting/generating from the system)

  • Step 1: Click on Application Menu/Button to get Control Number for Payment (Popup menu will be displayed with the control number i.e. Please pay 10,000/= TZS with control no xxxxxxxxx, if no control number (xxxxxxxx) displayed please click the application menu/button again for the control number to appear)
  • Step 2: Pay application fee using control number generated/requested from the system

Below are the steps for making online application

  • Step 1: Basic Information (Fill personal information in all the fields and click next)
  • Step 2: Contact Details (Fill personal and next of kin address details in all the fields and click update)
  • Step 3: Education Background (Click "Add New" button, select appropriate option relevant to your qualification then click "Submit" button; if you have more qualifications e.g. second sit, NTA 4 or NTA 5) click again "Add New" button, select appropriate option relevant to your qualification then click "Submit" button.
  • Step 4: Course Choices (Choose your courses of choice by selecting one up to five according to your priority and click ‘Submit’ button to finish your application). Note: After successful submitting your application, you can track application progress by viewing your application status on dashboard and update your application details if need arises.
